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5 Things to Understand About Letters of Protection

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A letter of protection is a document, usually written by your lawyer, that ensures your health care provider that you intend to pay your medical bills once your personal injury case is settled. A letter of protection is often necessary because health care providers demand immediate payment of bills but insurance companies will not pay out auto accident claims until your medical treatment has been completed or the case has been settled.…

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Five Tips Your Cruise Ship Fall Was Related To Negligence

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If you or a loved one has fallen and injured yourself on a cruise ship, the news of a woman recently slipping off a cruise ship and becoming lost in the sea may have reminded you of your own experience. As you revisit the issue, you may wonder if you are entitled to compensation for your injuries. In many cases, the answer may be “yes”. If the negligence of the company or its crew caused your injury, they may be liable for your expenses.…

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Car Accident On Tribal Land? 3 Instances In Which You Can Sue In State Or Federal Court

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Have you or somebody you know been injured in a car accident on tribal land due to the negligence of another driver? Do you want to seek compensation for your damages, and have you heard that, due to tribal sovereignty laws, you’ll need to bring your case to a tribal court? It’s true that in many cases personal injury lawsuits that happen on tribal land must go through tribal court, but there are some exceptions to this rule.…

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Did You Obtain Injuries Slipping And Falling In A Grocery Store? How Your Cell Phone Can Help Your Case

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Following a slip and fall accident in a grocery store, it is important that you obtain evidence. This evidence may be needed later on to show that the store was at fault, how and why the accident happened, or whether you had any fault in the accident. Fortunately, obtaining and preserving evidence can be made easy with the assistance of one item that you likely already have in your pocket or purse.…

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Suing For Medical Expenses? File Away These Important Facts

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If your life has been wrecked by a personal injury in which someone else was clearly at fault, filing a personal injury suit against that party can provide you with critical financial compensation. But these legal waters can run pretty deep, so the more you understand about the potential obstacles, the more easily you can avoid or overcome them. Here are important points to underline in your case file. Calculating Your Claim Amount Can Be Trickier Than You Think…

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Are You Required To Give A Written Or Recorded Statement To The Insurance Company?

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At some point after you are involved in an accident, the auto insurance company will contact you and ask you to either record a verbal statement about the events surrounding the incident or submit one in writing. Although the insurance adjuster may make it seem as though you are required to submit to the request, whether or not you have to give a statement depends on who the adjuster works for.…

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Do You Have Legal Recourse Against A Caretaker Who Abused Your Elderly Relative?

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With the average cost of residential nursing home care now topping $80,000 per year, you (like many) may have helped an elderly parent or other relative seek one-on-one caregiving assistance at home to avoid a nursing home placement. While this arrangement can often benefit someone who requires constant supervision or companionship but wishes to remain in his or her home, the isolation inherent in a one-on-one caregiving relationship can unfortunately be used to hide signs of physical and financial abuse.…

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What You Should Know About Maryland's Proposed No-Fault Birth Injury Fund

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Maryland recently introduced a bill under which hospitals will fund immediate and thorough care for babies who sustain severe neurological damage while being birthed. Under the bill, the funds will be willingly paid by the state hospitals, but parents of babies who take advantage of the funds must promise not to seek legal action against the hospital or the doctor who delivered their babies. While this may sound like a good idea, some critics believe that the bill, if passed, may do more harm than good.…

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When Can You Sue Your Child's School For Wrongful Death?

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Losing a child is without a doubt the hardest thing a parent must ever face. Even harder is when you believe your child’s death could have been prevented by those responsible for his or her welfare during school hours. Is it ever possible to sue your child’s school for wrongful death? What will you need to show in order for your claim to succeed? Read on to learn more about some situations that could create a viable wrongful death claim, as well as your options if you find yourself dealing with too many unanswered questions following the death of your child.…

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Be A Responsible Social Host This Holiday Season And Help Prevent Drunk Driving

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During the holiday season that runs from Thanksgiving to New Years, many people will host in some type of party that involves friends and family. Most of these parties will involve a lot of food, and some will involve various types of alcohol. If you are the host of the party, part of your job is to monitor your guests to ensure that they are not consuming alcohol at your party and then getting behind the wheel of their car.…

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