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Budget Woes And Accidents: What To Expect

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While getting medical treatment for your injuries is the first order of business after an accident, it might not take long for your budget to begin to feel the effects of it. When another driver causes an accident they are responsible for covering your losses and all of those losses are connected to financial damages. Read on to get a better idea of what you can expect in terms of money damages from your car accident.…

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Tips For Overcoming The Assumption Of Risk Defense

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If you are pursuing a personal injury claim or lawsuit, don’t be surprised if the defendant claims that you “knew what you were getting into” when you undertook the activity that got you injured. This is known as the assumption of risk defense, but there are a few weapons you can use to overcome it. For example, you may succeed if you can prove that. You Did Not Know About the Risk…

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The Benefits Of Hiring A Personal Injury Attorney

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If you’ve been injured as the result of a car accident, slip, and fall, or due to some other type of negligence, you could be owed some compensation. If you’ve been injured, hiring a personal injury attorney can be beneficial to you. Read below for some benefits of hiring a personal injury attorney. Knowledgeable Of Laws A personal injury attorney is knowledgeable of state and local laws, and most likely you are not (unless you’re an attorney yourself).…

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Legal Theories You Can Use To File A Dog Bite Injury Case

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Legal theories are the laws upon which you anchor your case when pursuing a legal redress. If you have been attacked by a dog, here are the three main legal theories you can use to pursue compensation: Negligence Negligence is a legal theory that holds you responsible for damages that arise when your carelessness (that may be through action or inaction) causes property damage or injury. For you to succeed with a dog bite claim based on negligence, you must prove that:…

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How Jury Bias Could Affect Your Motorcycle Accident Case

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The courtroom represents an impartial arena where the facts can be laid bare and decided upon in a fair and unbiased manner. During jury trials, judges and jurors are expected to be impartial in their decision making. At the end of the day, however, judges and jurors are just as human as anyone else, with their own biases and beliefs. In personal injury cases involving motorcycle accidents, juror bias can have a tremendous effect on case outcome.…

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What Counts And Doesn't Count As Medical Malpractice

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In the litigious climate in which everyone now lives, it is not uncommon for people to sue their doctors and nurses over just about everything. This is why doctors and nurses have professional insurance, to protect them against lawsuits and protect their medical licenses. Yet what is medical malpractice, and what actually counts as malpractice? There is clearly a thin line between malpractice and negligence, which is why some lawsuits do not pan out under medical malpractice.…

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Lawsuits May Help Families Recover After Losing A Loved One In An Electrocution Death At Work

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Industrial and factory work can be grueling and often thankless jobs. Even worse, they may be deadly if proper electrical measures are not taken. If your loved one has died at work in this way and you have no other source of income, a lawsuit for wrongful death may be necessary. Electrocutions Are Still A Common Workplace Hazard It has been reported that at nearly 200 people die every year from electrical shock at work.…

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Contamination Concerns And Lawsuits

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You have the right to live in a safe and healthy environment, free of toxic contamination. Regardless of your location, how much your home is worth or who you are, it is never okay to live in fear of experiencing permanent damage to the health of you or your family. Property contamination is an unfortunate, but all too common, occurrence. From unknowingly moving into a “meth house” to being provided bad water, you must stay ever vigilant to ensure your health and well-being.…

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Two Ways To Negotiate A Medical Lien With An Insurance Provider

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It’s a sad reality that if you file a personal injury lawsuit against the person who caused your injuries, your health insurance provider may put a medical lien on your award to collect the money it paid on your behalf for your care. As unfair as it may seem, there’s likely a clause in your contract stating you are obligated to repay the provider’s expenses in certain situations. However, you are not required to pay the full amount.…

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Eye Injuries And Auto Accidents: How To Protect Your Sight And Your Rights At Once

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If you’re in a serious auto accident of any kind, flying bits of debris from your car and shards of glass present some obvious dangers to your eyes. If your airbag deploys, you may get hit right in the face with all its force, which can also damage eye tissue. Finally, if you have any sort of head trauma, eye damage can be one of the unexpected results. Here is what you should know about protecting your vision and your rights after an eye injury in an auto accident.…

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