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Be A Responsible Social Host This Holiday Season And Help Prevent Drunk Driving

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During the holiday season that runs from Thanksgiving to New Years, many people will host in some type of party that involves friends and family. Most of these parties will involve a lot of food, and some will involve various types of alcohol. If you are the host of the party, part of your job is to monitor your guests to ensure that they are not consuming alcohol at your party and then getting behind the wheel of their car.…

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How Wellness Coaches Can Protect Themselves From Lawsuits

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The health and wellness industry continually grows in the United States, as more and more people turn to professionals for advice in weight loss, exercise, and lifestyle changes. As a wellness coach, you have the ability to assist others in their journey toward better holistic health. However, you also open yourself up to liabilities if you are not careful about how you select your clients and what services you offer. In order to protect yourself from personal injury lawsuits, here are some preventative tactics you can employ.…

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How You Can Help Your Lawyer Win Your Dog Bite Compensation Case

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If you’re like more than the 800,000 other people each year who require medical attention due to a dog bite, you are likely looking to be compensated for your medical bills, loss of work, as well as your pain and suffering. Luckily, you’ll find plenty of lawyers in the industry whose expertise lies in personal injury cases – but don’t expect your legal representative to do all the leg work if you want to ensure an optimal outcome.…

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How The Continuing Storm Doctrine May Freeze Your Slip And Fall Case

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The law holds property owners responsible for ensuring their premises are safe for the general public to use. This means cleaning up snow, ice, and other potentially dangerous debris that may be on the ground after a storm. If the person fails to maintain a safe condition and someone slips and falls, then the property owner could be held liable for the victim’s injuries and damages. However, the continuing storm doctrine is one viable defense that’s proven effective at absolving property owners of liability in certain situations.…

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When Your Meal Makes You Ill -- Seeking Legal Remedy For A Food Poisoning Incident

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In most cases, food poisoning is just a minor, though unpleasant, inconvenience. Perhaps you spend a few hours or even a whole day visiting the toilet, but then you’re well again. But in some cases, food poisoning can leave a victim with devastating disabilities and can even be deadly. To make matters worse, the medical bills that result from a bad food poisoning case could even wipe out your family’s finances.…

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What Should You Do If You're Hit By An Uninsured (Or Underinsured) Driver?

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Accidents happen – and in an era of rising insurance rates and stagnant wages, more drivers than ever before are traveling with inadequate auto insurance coverage, or no coverage at all. If you’re unfortunate enough to be involved in an accident with someone whose insurance company won’t pay out for your medical expenses and lost wages, you may be wondering about your options. Read on to learn more about the steps you should take after being involved in an accident with an uninsured (or underinsured) driver.…

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Injured By An Aggressive Driver? What Are Your Options?

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Aggressive driving is not only aggravating for those being tailgated, cut off, or otherwise harassed, but can also be dangerous and cause accidents. In fact, 15 states have enacted laws or regulations prohibiting aggressive driving and prescribing civil and other statutory penalties for those whose actions lead to a traffic stop or accident. If you’re injured by an aggressive driver, you may be wondering about your next steps to help punish the offender and make yourself whole.…

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What Happens If You're Rear-Ended While Stopped For An Accident?

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As construction season begins throughout most of the continental U.S., traffic backups and accidents may increase. One of the biggest potential dangers you can face while driving is being in a vulnerable stopped position on a highway. As cars are required to quickly come to a stop, a chain reaction accident may happen – smashing your vehicle into the one in front of it while your vehicle sustains rear-end damage from those crashing behind you.…

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4 Types Of Photographs That Can Help You Win A Car Accident Case

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The photographs you take after a car accident can go a long way in supporting your account of the events. Lawyers, jury members and judges presiding over your case can see the accident scene, collision damage and resulting injuries for themselves by browsing through your photos. Photographic evidence also confirms the presence of all of the listed parties, including vehicles involved in the accident and nearby witnesses. Here’s what you need to know.…

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How Can A Biomechanic Expert Help Your Auto Accident Defense?

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Driving distractions happen. Whether you looked down at your cell phone at an inopportune time, spilled a bit of coffee on your shirt, or glanced into the back seat to locate a dropped pacifier, in one brief moment you could find yourself rear-ending the vehicle in front of you. If you’re being sued for causing injuries or damage in a rear-end collision, how can you defend yourself? Will you be determined to have been negligent if the plaintiff’s car crash attorney can show that you were looking at your cell phone or engaging in other distracting activities while driving?…

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